

calf strain - sports injury in Maidstone and Rainham
Muscle strains are a common reason our patients seek out osteopathic treatment. Read on to find out about the different causes and treatment options for calf injuries.

You may not give them much thought, but your calf muscles are constantly working hard day-to-day when you’re walking around or exercising. This makes it really inconvenient – not to mention painful – when you strain a calf muscle.

Calf anatomy facts

Before we dive into the injury, let’s take a moment to unpack the anatomy of the calf. Did you know that it is actually made up of three muscles? They are called the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris (we know… what a mouthful!). The gastrocnemius is a two-pronged muscle that runs from just above your knee down to your heel. It is the largest of the three and is vital to movement of the knee and the ankle. It is more commonly injured than the soleus, which lies underneath the gastrocnemius.

What are the common causes of calf strain?

Our muscles lose flexibility as we age, making them more prone to injury. Short or tight calf muscles make you more susceptible to a strain, especially if you skip the warm-up before you start exercising. Participating in sports and activities like tennis, basketball, and football that involve sudden movements or changes in direction are common ways to strain a calf.

What are the symptoms of a strained muscle?

Calf strains are graded as mild (a minor strain), moderate (a partial muscle tear), or severe (a complete muscle tear).

Common symptoms of a strained calf muscle include

  • Tenderness and pain in the area
  • Tightness and aching after exercise
  • Swelling and bruising of the muscle
  • Sharp pain or ‘popping’ during exercise
  • Pain when stretching the calf
  • With a severe tear, it will be very difficult to walk or stand on the affected leg

Symptoms will generally be more intense for a severe strain.

How to treat a calf strain?

Depending on the severity of the strain, your recovery could range from a few weeks for a mild strain, to several weeks or months for a moderate to severe strain.

What you can do to help?

There are some steps you can take at home to treat a strained calf muscle.

For the first 2 – 3 days, RICER protocol is suggested:

  • Rest your leg as much as possible.
  • Ice therapy (apply ice packs for 20 minutes every two hours for the first 24 hours).
  • Compress the injured leg using a bandage wrapped firmly around the calf to minimise swelling.
  • Elevate the leg using a pillow for support, as much as possible.
  • Refer – if you are unable to walk, you should seek medical attention to determine if medical imaging is required.

How can Osteopathic treatment help?

Muscle aches and pains and muscle strains are just some of the most common injuries we treat in the clinic. Our hands-on Osteopathic treatment takes a holistic approach to healing and recovery. If you have tight calf muscles or are experiencing a muscle strain, we may use a range of soft tissue techniques, including massage therapy, joint manipulation and stretching. These Osteopathic techniques help to increase blood flow to the area and reduce tightness. As part of your treatment, your osteo may also develop a program of exercises and stretches for you to do at home, as well as getting you to follow a clean diet and adequate water intake. This is all to help with your recovery and to strengthen the muscles – and hopefully prevent the injury from reoccurring in the future!

If you are experiencing pain or tightness in the calf muscles, come and see us at one of our central clinics (in Maidstone and Rainham). Our team will assess your symptoms and come up with a treatment plan to get you back to your best. Contact us today.

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